Friday, February 17, 2012

favoite things

once upon a time...
i was simply walking around looking for things to match my 
cute "grown up" pillows and i saw these...
and i immediately fell in love
however, my budget did not like the price 
(that happens every single time i walk into and around Pier 1)
SO... i went to Hobby Lobby and found a lantern that was 50% off
i then headed to find some glass paint so i could paint the glass
only to find that glass paint is $5 a color, way to much for this budget
SO...i got some clear tacky glue instead (approx. $3) and headed home
i colored my tacky glue with food coloring and panted the glass panels in my lantern
all my hard work paid off and this was my FINAL PRODUCT...

i love my lantern... 
i put Christmas lights in my lantern instead of a candle and use it as a lamp. :)  
i also made my glass six different colors that matched my one "fun" pillow. 

so easy. so pretty. 
you should go make one.


  1. how did you get your paint to look like that?

  2. food coloring in my clear tacky glue. :) then i mixed the three colors until i got the ideal color!
